Tommie Girl's Fashion Story
© 2007 Gail Nobles. All rights reserved
Tommie girl is a tomboy who wants to have children someday. Tommie only knew her father. She learned a lot from him. When he died, Tommie was very lonely. Her father was the only man that she ever trusted. Tommie was afraid to marry and let someone else into her life. She started her own clothing business selling on the streets. Tommie named her business Tommie Gee’s.
There is something special about the hood that she wears. It is interchangeable. Tommie can change it into a cloak to hide children close to her from evil. She is undercover and can hide her face with her hood. Tommie can button the hood over the lower part of her face.

Tommie girl met an evil business man named Cigar who sold cigars. He is like a dream man that likes to make the young folks believe that he can give them heaven on earth. Cigar helped Tommie get a real business started, and he got part of the money. Tommie felt that she owed Cigar a lot for helping her, and she found out later that he was committing a crime. She hated what Cigar was doing to the little children of all ages. He led them to crime so they could work for him. Cigar turned them into drug dealers, street gangs, muggers, killers, and any other kind of criminal that he could make them become. This brought a little conflict between him and Tommie girl. She did not argue much with Cigar, but she secretly worked against him. Tommie girl was sad that she got her business started with Cigar. Sometimes a plan may seem perfect, but what about the price? Tommie girl began to worry about her life. She felt that she was in danger along with the children.
Falcon Wings
Tommie Girl had a heart for the religious leader, Little Benny. She kept her distance because he was a Christian. Tommie girl worked for an evil man. Little Benny thought that she looked like a boy and never paid attention to her. But that part did not seem to bother Tommie Girl. She knew she could fix that problem whenever she wanted to.
Tommie Girl did not feel good about her own self because she came from the projects. She really didn’t have much freedom working for an evil man. When Tommie Girl was a little girl, she would often dream of being a falcon. She wanted to be a falcon to fly away from the crime that was going on around her in the hood. Tommie Girl wanted to live on the country side of life. So that gave her the idea to design falcon wings into a vest that she made. Whenever Tommie Girl dressed up, she felt like a new person. She felt good about herself, but it never went to her head.

Little Benny seemed different from any of the guys in her neighborhood. They were all on drugs and into crime. That’s why Tommie Girl liked Little Benny. Her father was the only decent man she knew. Then Little Benny caught her eye at the park. Whenever Little Benny saw Tommie Girl at the park, he did not know that he was looking at the same woman. He thought he was looking at someone else. Little Benny had often seen Tommie Girl at a street corner store. That’s when she looked like a boy. When she looked like a beautiful woman, Benny paid more attention to her, but he never asked her out on a date. He had his eyes on someone else. Little Benny was not hasty in choosing a woman. He knew that he was trying to live his life as a Christian, and he wanted a Christian woman.
Tommie Girl kept her tomboy disguise to herself when she found out that Little Benny did not recognize her looking like a gorgeous model. She would not dare to tell him that she was from the projects. Little Benny could see in Tommie Girl’s eyes that she admired him. He did not know that she was the tomboy that wore glasses. Tommie Girl did not wear her glasses when she was dressed up. Whenever Little Benny would talk to Tommie at the park, he studied her. He found out that she had a great love for children, and he became a little more interested in her. Tommie Girl wanted to tell Benny about the evil leader known as Cigar, but she was so afraid. Little Benny wanted to talk to Tommie Girl about helping him rescue children from the hands of Cigar, but he thought it was too dangerous for Tommie. Whenever Tommie and Benny departed, they departed unsatisfied. Whenever they went to the park, they were always looking for each other. Now, Tommie Girl felt like she had some falcon wings and a place to fly to whenever she wanted to get away from the projects.
Christian Love
Little Benny and Tommie Girl
Little Benny went down to the street corner store near the projects. He needed to get
some bandages. Benny was bleeding because he got cut on the arm by someone that tried to rob him. He beat up the robber pretty bad. Little Benny was upset and angry. Tommie girl worked in the store and was surprised to see Benny. She watched Benny with concern wearing her glasses, baseball cap, jersey, and jeans. When Little Benny asked for bandages, Tommie girl got them and opened them up to wrap Little Benny’s arm. “How much are they?” asked Benny.
Tommie Girl would not answer right away. She just helped Benny with his arm. Then she answered, “No charge.”
“Are you a guy or a girl?” asked Benny.
“I’m a girl,” answered Tommie. She did not seem to mind Benny asking her.
“Oh!” said Benny, “I think I see now. Your cap was hiding your face.”
Little Benny thanked Tommie Girl for helping him. He rushed out of the store because he wanted to hurry up and get down to the park. Not knowing that it was Tommie Girl that he was talking to in the store, he waited to meet her at the park in the evening. But, Tommie Girl did not show up for several days. Little Benny was sad because he was really starting to like Tommie Girl.
Tommie Girl stood off from a distance and saw Little Benny looking sad at the park. “I can’t let him into my life,” she thought. Tommie felt Benny needing her friendship, and she was needing his too. She thought about her mean boss, Cigar Keys. He was powerful. “I don’t want Benny to get hurt.”
Little Benny looked up and saw Tommie Girl, but he was looking at the tomboy he saw at the store. Tommie Girl saw Benny walking towards her. She stood and waited for him. When Benny got close to her he asked, “Aren’t you the girl that works at the corner store?’
“Yea, that’s me, and I bet you are looking for Tommie Girl,” Tommie said. She knew Benny didn’t recognize her.
“You know her?” asked Benny.
Tommie said, “ Yea, she lives a dangerous life. Forget about her.”
Benny asked, “What do you mean?”
All that Tommie girl had to do was just say one word. “Cigar Keys.”
Benny eyes became wide. “What? You know him too?”
Tommie looked away and took her eyes off of Benny and said, “Tommie knows him.”
Benny was ready to find Tommie. “Where is she? Is she alright?”
“She’s fine. Tommie’s a big girl, and she can take care of herself,” said Tommie.
Benny said, “I need to find her!”
“No! I told you that her life is dangerous. Leave her alone. Stay away,” demanded Tommie.
Then Benny replied, “Her life can’t be no more dangerous than mine. Tell me where she is.”
Tommie Girl was ready to get away from Benny. “The last time I saw her, she was at the corner store this morning. If I see her again, I will tell her you asked about her. Goodbye!”
Tommie Girl ran off.
Little Benny asked himself, “How did she know I was looking for Tommie?” Benny had a lot of questions. “I wonder what her name is. I believe she knows more than what she’s telling me.” Little Benny began to think that Tommie Girl was not the right girl to get involved with.
Now, Benny knew where Cigar Keys lived. He stayed away from Cigar because he knew Cigar was his enemy and enemy to children. Cigar began to seem like an enemy to women as well. Little Benny was very worried about Tommie.
Several weeks had gone by. There was no sign of Tommie Girl. Little Benny would often stop by the corner store to see if she was there. He started to feel very lonesome and depressed missing her. Little Benny started thinking that maybe Cigar was Tommie Girl’s boyfriend.
Tommie Girl was getting ready to close up the corner store late that evening. When she stepped out locking the door behind her, she saw Little Benny across the street. He was sitting on the steps at an old school. He looked kind of dressed up in a white shirt and dress pants with the Bible in his hand. Tommie Girl went to see him. She said, “Hey! What’s up?”
Benny barely smiled. “Hello and what’s your name?”
Tommie hesitated for a second and then she answered him and said, “You can call me Falcon. It is my nick name. I will tell you why one day.”
Benny hung his head. “Well, I’m Benny. I know you don’t know me, but I was thinking about asking you if you wanted to go church with me tonight. There is going to be a special Bible study night there for single people. Are you single?”
Tommie Girl did not want to say yes, but she hated to say no. “Well, I hate wearing dresses.”
“You don’t have to wear a dress. Go there as you are,” said Benny.
Tommie Girl was not feeling good about life at all. She felt that she needed to go into a place of worship. “Well, okay. I will go with you, Benny. But, I don’t won’t to enter into a church dressed like this. I wouldn’t feel right. I think I have a skirt and blouse to wear. Let me go home and change.”
Benny felt happy. “Great! Meet me at the park. I will wait for you there.”
Soon Tommie Girl was at the park with Benny in her skirt and blouse. She was still wearing her glasses so Benny wouldn’t recognize her.
“You look very nice, Falcon,” said Benny starring at Tommie.
Tommie Girl (Falcon) said, “Thank you”. She was feeling very shy.
Tommie Girl and Benny had a great time at the church. They left the church feeling good about being single after Bible study. Tommie and Benny walked back to the park together.
Because it was dark, Benny wanted to walk Tommie Girl to her home.
Benny said, “ Let me walk you home”.
Tommie Girl started wishing that she wasn’t single. She did not want to leave Benny, and she did not want to go home. Little Benny could sense it. Tommie said, “I don’t think walking me home is a good idea.”
“I don’t want anything to happen to you,” said Benny.
“You are a good Christian guy. I wish that all men were like you,” said Tommie.
“You are pretty special yourself,” said Benny. “I would like to see you again”.
“Okay,” answered Tommie quickly. “Don’t worry about taking me home. My ride is here. If it be God’s will, I will see you tomorrow. I will be right there at the corner store. You know where to find me.”
Tommie Girl had called a taxi to pick her up. When she had got into the taxi, Little Benny had a strange feeling about the taxi driver. Tommie Girl did not want to leave Benny and kept looking back at him. Benny did not want to wave goodbye because he was afraid he wasn’t going to see her again. Tommie Girl could feel a strong vibration of care from Benny and Benny could feel it from Tommie. They both had Christian love for each other.
Tommie Girl Emerges From Her Cocoon

Tommie Girl began to mature more after meeting Benny. She thought, “I have got to get away from the projects and get away from Cigar.” Tommie did not feel free in her life. She felt that Cigar was trying to own her, and he always threatened her to make her afraid. Tommie Girl could not have any friends because of Cigar. When he found out that she went to church with Benny, he almost had a fit. Cigar was always trying to tell Tommie Girl how to live her life and what friends to choose. He did not want her to go to church. A few people have tried to help Tommie Girl and be friends with her, but Cigar always ran them away behind her back. Many blessings were there waiting for Tommie, but Cigar would cut down her blessings out of jealousy. Tommie knew her life would be better if she got away from him.
Tommie decided that she needed to have a serious talk with Little Benny. She wanted him to see underneath her disguise. Tommie wanted Benny to know that she was the same girl who worked in the street corner store. So she got in touch with Benny and asked him to meet her in the park.
When Benny met her, he was happy and surprised. “Where have you been?” he asked.
Tommie answered and said, “I have been right here with you all the time. When you didn’t see me here at the park, I was there working at the corner store. I am the girl name Falcon. I am the girl that you saw at the park name Tommie Girl with the falcon design on the vest I wore that day. I’m sorry that I wasn’t honest with you. I didn’t want you to know the real me. I’m a girl in trouble.”
“What’s wrong?” asked Benny. Tommie Girl told Benny all about Cigar and how she wanted to get away from him. When she told him, she felt strength and began to tell him more as he talked with her. Tommie began to emerge out of the cocoon that she was in. She felt like a butterfly.
But Little Benny felt troubled. He wanted Tommie Girl to stay at his place, but he knew that Cigar would come and look for Tommie there. Benny wanted to tell Tommie Girl about the church hideout that he had for children, but he was afraid to trust Tommie Girl one hundred percent. Benny did not know what to tell Tommie. Then he said, “There are shelters for women. You can hide there for a while until I find you a place in the country.”
Tommie Girl thought for a minute. She was feeling desperate. “I don’t know. I hate to leave some of those children behind that is in his gang. Some of them want to get out of his gang and can’t.”
“Don’t worry about them,” said Benny. “ I will take care of them and sneak them out. Let’s take care of you first.”
So Tommie Girl went to the women’s shelter and waited there for Benny to come back for her.
Tommie Girl wasn't a bad girl, but when she found out that Cigar Keys killed her father, she was ready to kill him. Found out from a guy that worked for Cigar named Reggie Jenkins known as Raccoon. Tommie met him at the bookstore. She had not seen Raccoon sense high school.
Tommie was out of the women's shelter and staying on the country side where she always wanted to be. She kept the bad news away from Little Benny. Tommie did not tell Benny that she had plans to go back to visit the projects.
Raccoon loved Tommie girl, and he became afraid after he told her the bad news. He gave Tommie girl a laser gun that he had made so she could protect herself. "I thought you knew how your father died, Tommie," said Raccoon. Tommie kept her head hung down. Raccoon kept talking. "It was all over town that Cigar fixed some drug poison in some cigars that killed him instantly."
Tommie looked down at the laser gun sitting in Racoon's van with him. She did not let Raccoon know that she wasn't going to just use the gun for protection, but to use it to kill. She led Raccoon to believe that she was hurt but calm. On the inside, Tommie was mad and bitter.
When she had finished talking to Raccoon, she drove straight to the projects and stood by the window of Cigar's home. Tommie saw him threatening a little boy about drug money. When the little boy left Cigar's house, Tommie Girl shot right in Cigar's window, and the bullet went straight through Cigar's shoulder. He did not know what hit him. Cigar fell to the floor. Tommie left the projects and drove off in a hurry. She knew that Cigar was not of flesh and blood. He was a demon using a physical body. "What was I thinking?" Tommie asked herself hurt and confused. She cried speeding down the street, thinking of the sixth commandment "Thou Shalt Not Kill". Tommie thought, "I feel hate in my heart making me want to kill that man. I know I can't kill him, and I don't want to be the demon he is. I've got to get back to the country side."