Press cards: are nationally recognized and accepted by the police. These characters are identified as working journalists. They write about themselves but not with pen and paper. The life that they live writes and speaks for them. They are well known and are always in the newspapers.
Little Benny's Bio: A Christian leader chosen to save lost children. He drank and lovedto smoke cigars. Little Benny was known as a sinner, but one day his life changed. He gave his heart to the Lord. Little Benny is six ft. tall, he has gray eyes, has dark brown hair, and was born in NC.
Note: You can get your badges made too at http://bighugelabs.com/flickr/.
Cigar Keys is known as a demon and an Anti-Christ. His place of birth is unknown and he has no relatives. Cigar is a dangerous man who hates Christians and does not worship God.
Stilt-Walker is a circus man and a friend to Little Benny. He walks on stilts and stands high above the ground. Together, Little Benny and Stilt-Walker fights evil.
Jane works for the bad guys like Cigar Keys. She is a traitor to Little Benny, and she feels sad about it. Will she ever change? Does she really have a heart for Benny?
When Little Benny takes in the lost children and hides them from evil, Milkman Moby helps him out by making sure the children are fed.

Harry lives in a bad neighborhood, and he is lost. He looks up to Little Benny and likes to follow him.
Tommie Girl is a tomboy. She is from the projects and admires Little Benny.
The Sower is Little Benny's conscience. There is no barcode on his badge because he is heavenly.
Raccoon loved Tommie Girl since he was a little boy. His real name is Reggie, but he was nick named Raccoon. Reggie was born with a streak of strange colored hair down his neck and back. Tommie girl never paid any attention to him. She was four years older than he. Reggie never told Tommie how he felt about her. He kept his feelings on the inside of him for a number of years. But one day, Reggie out grew those feelings and became a bad guy. His parents never spent time with him, and the big bad guy named Cigar took over in his life.