Cigar is Benny's biggest and worst enemy. When Benny overcame his addiction to smoke cigars, the devil was angry with Benny. An evil spirit came in the form of an evil man name Cigar. Cigar knew that Benny was trying to save lost children. To hurt Benny, Cigar misled many children to smoke and to follow him. He led them to drugs and crime and cult, but Benny did not give up to lead the children to Christ. Benny would pray for lost children every morning, noon, and night.
Cigar works on a child's weakness. He preys on children from broken homes, children that are unhappy with life, lonely, and bored. When a child is easily led by Cigar, that means that the child is ready to give up. You may begin to see hatred in his eyes, hurt, and pain. He may seem like a zombie. You will know that it is not your child if you are a parent. You know how you have raised your child. However, if something seems different about your child, something may be different about your child. The demon cigar man comes to take your child away when you are too busy to pay attention to him.